They are not just a simple “mark” that is engraved in our skin and body. It represents their life, their stories to tell, and the hardships they conquered. Tattoos and body modifications are their reminder that they survived and continuously surviving life’s challenges. A reminder that is worth every suffering to be marked in our skins and bodies forever. | Astrology has been the main talk among the Millenials and Gen-Zs 一 from Sun risings, retrogrades, and horoscopes. Astrology is claimed to be part of human lives in a daily basis. Zack of Vimana Tattoo, a BloodBorn Pathogen Class Certified piercer studied the Acupuncture Zodiac Constellation Placement Piercing, a piercing placement that justifies the focal points of the ear based on the client’s ea structure and main Star Points of their zodiac sign. | Behind every tattoo is a story.
Here are some popular tattoos with meaningful significance that people wish to have or already have. It could be a meaningful or nonsense story, but it is still a story. Others may not comprehend what it means, but their approval is irrelevant when it comes to our own bodies. Tattoos tell a story that words can't communicate, and they're an art form that's worth the pain of being etched into our skin. |
Piercings continued their popularity until today. Piercings began to be part of modern culture, specifically the fashion industry. Ear piercings are the far most well-known and popular type of body modification worldwide among men, women, and the third gender.
Below, we provided a background history of ear piercings and a modern ear-piercing chart, displaying the types of ear piercings and their placements. | Seeing someone with tattoos will cause others to judge them in the blink of an eye. However, let us all remember that one's outward appearance has no bearing on one's character. | Why do some people despise tattoos?
People in our generation express themselves in a variety of ways, one of which is by getting tattoos on their body. Why? There are numerous explanations for this, but one thing is certain: tattoos are designed with significant meaning and story in mind. Let us not pass judgment on those who express themselves with a spot of ink. |